Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Major interests in crop circles: esp. are those involving a polygon and a circle creating nice geometric art.
It follows three simple processes
2.Understand the concept


From : KANTON THURGAU - exact location withheld by farmer's request - SWITZERLAND, JUNE 20, 2008
Formations measures approx. 100 meters in diameter. Investigation by KORES ( pending.
The blueprint of this crop circle was traced so easily. But probably the initial design was not the easy one.

Tracing system:

Tracing it back (see figure below), it was easy to tell that those curves were part of a circle and not a spiral, involving the use of three separate sized circles with the underlying geometry being a pentagram.
The smallest circle appears three times, the immediate once and the largest thrice.
So in terms of usage, Smallest :immediate: Largest = 3:1:3
In terms of size, Smallest to immediate to largest circle = 1:2:4.
[Which reminds me, in concrete construction, British standards, 1:2:4 is a common mixing ratio of Cement:Sand:Aggregates ratio in construction of columns and slabs known to produce a concrete grade 25N/mm2 if using cement class 32.5N with well grades aggregates(sand/stones)]

Noting that the pentagram is normally abused by disoriented spiritualists, this design we could say was out there to reduce some of the negative inception that it has been used for. The pentagram in itself is an important spiritual principle which I would loosely relate to a nice Mercedes benz all but used by robbers to do negative acts of robbery where the benz gets loosely associated with robbers and yet when used for good purposes, the benz would be such useful in doing useful works for creation. Of which when the benz’s positive potential is realized by the ordinary person it can be such a relief thus drawing away the mystery from the negative side. Such is the pentagram. From the positive side of it, this particular crop circle might be a very good initiative to reduce much of the negative karma still attached to the pentagram geometry via the thoughts of the religious zealots to the mass consciousness which has been duped to think of it as a tool for voodooism and cheap occult practices. Otherwise it’s absurd to think of locking a mighty soul in a pentagram and harnessing the spiritual power thereof to feed the souls out of the system of receiving manna from heaven who aim at controlling governments and its population.

From the tracing system, we had known how to reconstruct the said geometric art piece.
Start off with the pentagram and carefully arrange these three circles, behold the wonder, it is pure geometric art.

Or in a single step construction:

Easier said that they who did it have the interests of creation at heart. From this viewpoint you have fake or real crop circles though I’ll be quick to point out that particular crop circles do have a Godly love component manifesting itself in form an electromagnetic environment creating interesting experiences from the people nearby or within such crop circles. ‘Good willed mind’ gets you to definitely enjoy such experiences. One person reports that the location of the crop circle may be strategic enough to flush out evil/voodooism in the area.
That was good Crop circle maker.


Nathan. Ddumba
Kampala. Ug.